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The components of judiciary portal are as follows:

2.1 Court-specific personalized portal

Users will look for specific information from the portal. The portal will display the information for the Supreme court, High court, subordinate courts, appellate division, tribunal, etc. 

  • Categories: Portal will be categorized in three (3) different categories like High court, Subordinate courts, Tribunal. In Subordinate court all District wise courts will be classified as sub categories. Litigant can view different courts when he/she wants. 
  • Information: The portal is a window of open information. All information related to the judiciary will be provided herewith. Information with proper guidelines, related links, Information categories will be displayed here with well manners. Different court information will show in different integrated pages or URLs.


2.2. Service oriented judicial portal

Not only information but the portal will also provide some enhanced services for the litigants. The services are as follows. 

  • Services: Various kinds of citizen centric services like court fees, My rights, case valuation, legal aid services, one stop crisis center (for child & women) etc. will display and categorized in well format
  • Organizations: All kinds of Legal service organizations like Bar council, Bangladesh judicial service commission, Legal commission, etc. will be displayed here with segregate category or easy to find manner.
  • Laws and regulation: Misc. laws like Bangladesh laws, panel code, Bill & Injunction, decisions of higher court etc.  will be displayed and categorized in well manner. 
  • Reports: Various kinds of open reports like Supreme court annual report, Law commission reports etc. will be categorized and display in well manner.
  • Notice: Recent to all existing notice from the Bangladesh judiciary commission, National legal aid organization etc. will display and categorized in well manner. 
  • Important links: Portal will display and link with miscellaneous important external service & portal (eg. National portal, myGov etc. ). Those important portal assist litigants to get service more smoothly. 
  • E-services: The services that can be applied form the online will integrate and facilitate for the litigants. Some of the e-services are Bail inquiry service, Muslim ancestor calculator, Online leave application, Filing a petition etc. 

2.3. Smart information & service discovery.

Litigants visit the portal to have information and services. So the primary goal of the portal is to serve information and services smartly. This purpose can be served by followings

  • Customized category: All kinds of information and services displayed in a categorized manner. Like all High court related information will show under the hood, likewise notice, external links, recent , most viewed etc. Litigant services will be categorized with proper guidelines and manners.
  • Smart search: Integrated smart search will serve the litigant's expected query. The result of the search will be a combination of information, services, external links etc. regarding the search query within the portal. This will gradually lead to AI implementation
  • Smart Info & services: Information & Services will appear to litigants by the end of the litigant's age, gender, religion. Instead of this, related and relevant suggested services will be shown for the litigants.

2.4. Horizontal & Vertical info sharing among the portals.

Information will be shared among the portals. Central portal will hold all the information, service, links, notice, laws etc. All those will inherit from the subordinate court portal to the upper court portal and vice versa. 

Also the portal will be a window to share other judiciary-related information served by different portals like Cause list, Bangladesh laws, Panel code, myGov, JISF etc.

[further discussion needed]

2.5. Dynamic Judges Profile Publishing

Litigants will publicly access judges profiles directly from the portal. Judges will update their profile from their dashboard. Judge will decide which sort of information will be shared publicly. Judge can also lock his/her profile for public access. 

[further discussion needed]

2.6 User happiness index

Litigants will rate for a service , comment for a service. The feedback of user about a service will count as high priority. Admin or higher will then take necessary step to mitigate the issue (if arise)

2.7. Central Monitoring & notification tool for ensuring up to date portal

Super admin & Court admin will get automatic and customized notifications for any issue regarding the portal. 

  • Automatic notification: Some sort of system generated notification delivered from the central monitoring engine. The notification may be related to system misbehavior, mismatch, system failure, attack etc.
  • Custom notification: Some sort of pre-format notification will delivered from the monitoring engine or feedback from litigants. The notification may related to user feedback, happiness index, comments, reports etc.