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The components of the role-based dashboard as follow

4.1. Personalized dashboard for judges & court staff.

The dashboard should be user role-centric. That means the contents inside the dashboard will show/hide, filter, fetch regarding the user login user access level (Chief judge, district judge, assistant judge, etc. ). 

The following contents will be inside the dashboard

  • Upcoming hearing notification (KIOSK)
  • Cause List
  • Graphical presentation of the case by case status
  • Monthly-yearly cases
  • Cases by court and case-type.
  • Certificate manager
  • Bail & Injunction reports
  • Misc. Reports [further discussion]
  • Document manager
  • Notes
  • Personalized calendar. 
  • Log manger
  • Record manager
  • History
  • Customized services

4.2. Comparison matrix among the courts & types of cases.

This will define the internal relation between courts and types of cases. The courts differ accordingly with the case type(s). 

[further discussion]

4.2. Advanced reporting.

Court-wise reports. 

[further discussion]

4.3. Export reports in different formats (pdf, doc, CSV, excel)

The report will have the provision to export in different formats like pdf, doc, CSV, excel.

4.4 Ensure accessibility via web and mobile.

The dashboard should have provision to access via mobile & web. The Mobile version of the dashboard must be interactive, user friendly and have a simple UI. 

The mobile version of the dashboard followed by the web will have minified and compact version of the service. The mobile app will play a vital role which provides a handy and quick operation flow. 

[further discussion]