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Case study (Part 4)

Use Case 1

If Application 1 changes or update any office name or any GEO (District) name then the other 3 applications will sync the GEO (District) name accordingly otherwise the data mismatch will happen.

First of all, All the applications (application 1, application 2, application 3, and application 4 ) will be connected with the central JSIF Coredata system through a JSB (Judicial Service Bus) service where actual data has been stored, if application 1 wants to change or update the data it can update the data through the JSB service in JISF Coredata.

Application 1 and the rest of the applications are also connected with each other through API services, and all 4 applications are shared their services, so any new update will always be known to every application.

use case 101.png

Figure: Use case 1

in this picture we see userĀ