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Deployment of Digital Filing System at Supreme Court for other matters


Delivery of Mobile Apps


Integration with Porichoy


Integration with KIOSK


Integration with IVR


Integration with Dictation Capturing System


Piloting at Attorney General’s Office


Piloting at Nari o Shishu Adalot


Workshop and knowledge transfer


Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-3)

Vested property return tribunal and appellate tribunal Under the provision of the Vested Propert...

History of Judiciary of Bangladesh

History if Judiciary System The judicial system of Bangladesh has a known history of thousands o...

Piloting at three sub-ordinate Courts


Technology up-gradation for better user exp., security & sustainability


Court-specific personalized portal

Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-2)

The court structure in Bangladesh  Figure: The court structure in Bangladesh Subordinate crim...

Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-1)

The court structure in Bangladesh  Figure: The court structure in Bangladesh Supreme Court T...


Why SLO (Single Logout) is important ? SAML single sign-on (SSO) allows the end-user to securely...

SSO (Single-Sign-On) in JISF (Part - 1)

What is Single-Sign-On (SSO)? Single-Sign-On (SSO) is a mechanism to control access of users to ...

JISF Core Service

Core service is defined as a common reusable component of e-service that is used by almost all e-...

Using the same frameworks for JISF and why does it matter?

As all great endeavors start with a question. Every business or system, at some point, faces the ...