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55 total results found

Introduction of JISF

JISF Services Chapter 1 - Introduction of JISF

E-Governance is the public sector’s use of information and communication technologies with the ai...

Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-2)

JISF Services Chapter 8 - Court Service

The court structure in Bangladesh  Figure: The court structure in Bangladesh Subordinate crim...

History of Judiciary of Bangladesh

JISF Services Chapter 2 - Backgroud of Judiciary Syst...

History if Judiciary System The judicial system of Bangladesh has a known history of thousands o...

JCDS Standard Court Staff Data

JISF Services Chapter 10 - Court Staff Service

What is JCDS standard ? JCDS stands for Judiciary Core Data Structure. There are few information...

Case study (Part 6)

JISF Case Studies Chapter 1- Case Studies

Use case 2 Application 1 changes or update any employee name or BBS code of the office all the o...

Case study (Part 4)

JISF Case Studies Chapter 1- Case Studies

Use Case 1 If Application 1 changes or update any office name or any GEO (District) name then th...

Court Staff Organogram

JISF Services Chapter 10 - Court Staff Service

Figure: Bangladesh court staff organogram The government operates courts in the regions, distr...

Judge organogram

JISF Services Chapter 9 - Judge Service

Figure: Judge Organogram  The following diagram contains the detailed diagram of the classes o...

Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-3)

JISF Services Chapter 8 - Court Service

Vested property return tribunal and appellate tribunal Under the provision of the Vested Propert...

Bangladesh Judiciary Court Structure (Part-1)

JISF Services Chapter 8 - Court Service

The court structure in Bangladesh  Figure: The court structure in Bangladesh Supreme Court T...

JISF Model for e-Judiciary system

JISF Services Chapter 3 - Why JISF needed ?

The main objective of JISF (Judiciary Information and Service Framework) is to develop an Enterpr...

SSO (Single-Sign-On) in JISF (Part - 2)

JISF Services Chapter 5 - SSO (Single-Sign-On) service

Identity Provider / Identity Server: An identity provider (abbreviated as IDP) is a system entit...

GEO in JISF (Part -3)

JISF Services Chapter 7 - GEO service

Geo Data, Unions   General Information Reference No   Entity Name ...

GEO in JISF (Part - 2)

JISF Services Chapter 7 - GEO service

Geo Data, Upazilas   General Information Reference No   Entity Name ...

GEO in JISF (Part -1)

JISF Services Chapter 7 - GEO service

About JISF is a project undertaken by a2i to centralize, optimize, and manage government e-Servi...


JISF Services Chapter 6 - SLO (Single Logout) service

Why SLO (Single Logout) is important ? SAML single sign-on (SSO) allows the end-user to securely...

SSO (Single-Sign-On) in JISF (Part - 1)

JISF Services Chapter 5 - SSO (Single-Sign-On) service

What is Single-Sign-On (SSO)? Single-Sign-On (SSO) is a mechanism to control access of users to ...

JISF Core Service

JISF Services Chapter 4 - JISF core services

Core service is defined as a common reusable component of e-service that is used by almost all e-...

Using the same frameworks for JISF and why does it matter?

JISF Services Chapter 3 - Why JISF needed ?

As all great endeavors start with a question. Every business or system, at some point, faces the ...

Case study (Part 3)

JISF Case Studies Chapter 1- Case Studies

Introduction Despite the push for government modernization, most of Asian countries has not yet ...