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Details of Lawyer Panel for the submission of Case Filing

  • System will have the provision to verify NID number of the lawyer;
  • System will have the provision to filing all case information along with document like pdf, image, etc.
  • System will generate a number called tender No or any other filing no that will be pre-determined by the section. This number will also be used as a tracking number for the case until respective section provide any case number [e.g., Cr. Misc. No].
  • System will allow the submission to a concerned section to automate the file processing;
  • System will provide a dashboard to lawyer about their submitted files
  • System will provide searching, tagging and archiving functionalities for the files to the Lawyer
  • System will provide a provision to share the uploaded files to other user of the system or by email
  • System will provide a link to see all shared document
  • System will provide bookmark feature for the files