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Requirement Specifications for Civil Cases

  1. Citizens need to create a once-off online profile so that they can access the court Digital Filing system.
  2. Citizens must enter my ID as part of my profile creation, which is verified with the home affairs system along with all my other information so that I am a verified Citizens.
  3. Litigants need to create a once-off online profile so that they can create and access all my client’s case documentation.
  4. Citizens, Litigants must have the ability to choose the type of notification channel (email, sms etc.) and when the notifications must be sent (after document submissions, after process stages etc.)
  5. Citizens, Litigants, Registrar, Clerk or Judge Should be able to choose the language of choice so they can easily use and understand the portal.
  6. The Litigants once they create an online profile, the details must be verified with the Law society or Advocates Bar to verify practising Litigants.
  7. Litigants should no longer access the e-filing system if they are no longer registered with the law society or advocates bar so that all cases are created by practising registered Litigants.
  8. The Judge, must have the option of choosing upon registration of their account as to whether they want files to be presented digitally or in hardcopy.
  9. The Judge, Court Clerk or Registrar must be provided with employee login details to the online web portal so they can view and search for any and all cases.
  10. The Citizens or Litigants Should be able to complete online templates to create summons and notices of motions so that they can submit the correct documentation in the correct format.
  11. Citizens or Litigants Should be able to resume working on an online template that was previously saved draft so that they do not lose information between online sessions.
  12. Citizens or Litigants Should be able to choose to download the template so that they can complete it offline and submit it when ready.
  13. Citizens or Litigants Should be able to upload their documentation case file in PDF format so that they can work offline and create their own documentation for online submission.
  14. Citizens or Litigants must able to copy and paste information in the online templates for completion so that they do not have to retype information
  15. When Citizens login to the system they should be able to view and access all case folders their involved in so that they can access and read their case files easily.
  16. When Litigants login to the system they Should be able to view all case folders and files across all cases they representing so that they can access and read any case file easily.
  17. Registrar Should be able to apply a digital signature and automatic case number to online documentation so that they do not need to print and re-upload documents.
  18. Citizens or Litigants Should be able to upload the proof of service to the online case file so they can kick-start the case registration.
  19. Citizens, Litigants, Registrar or Clerk Should be able to scan and upload files directly to the portal thereby eliminating the need to scan, save and upload files.
  20. The Registrar or Clerk Should be able to open, initiate and file on behalf of Citizens so that they can help them in the event that they are unable to do so themselves.
  21. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to choose the type of document they wish to submit from a dropdown so that they can get access to online templates if required and applicable
  22. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to choose the type of document they wish to submit from a dropdown so that the document they submit or upload will be placed into the correct folder or subfolder in the case file.
  23. The Citizens or Litigants should be shown a confirmation of submission message so I know that my file has been successfully uploaded.
  24. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to file for a notice of bar through the online system so that they can immediately prevent any further submissions from the other party being recognised by the court.
  25. The Registrar should have a view of notice of bar applications so that they can grant or reject the application timeously.
  26. The registrar once granted a notice of bar application should be able to generate a court order so the other party can no longer file documents with the court.
  27. The Registrar should be able to disable a party from submitting documentation to the case file so that a court order barring the party from submitting prevents them from doing so online as well.
  28. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to apply for a default judgement online in a case in which they are the plaintiff or applicant so that they can close the case quicker.
  29. Citizens or Litigants acting plaintiff in a civil case should be able to make an application for summary judgement through the online portal by either online template or PDF upload.
  30. The Citizens or Litigants acting defendant in a civil case should be able to make an application for exception through the online portal by either online template or PDF upload.
  31. The Judge should be able to view all applications for summary judgements and exceptions so that they can grant or reject summary judgements and exceptions online.
  32. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to upload all required documentation not submitted during the pleadings so the case file documentation required for the trial / hearing.
  33. Citizens or Litigants should be able to complete online templates, submit their own document or create online a subpoena so that they have the correct documentation format and information needed by the court to issue a subpoena.
  34. The Judge should be able to easily search through case documentation, jump to pages and find words in the documents so that they can keep track of details when presented in court.
  35. The Judge should be able to digitally endorse agreements and draft orders between parties made out of court so that a court order can be easily generated and sent to all relevant parties.
  36. The Citizens or Litigants should be able to submit documentation to court during the proceedings and when necessary, so that any documentation the court may not have can easily be given to the judge while keeping the case file up to date
  37. The Judge should be able to compile and submit my judgement via the web portal so that they do not need to write it out in isolation.
  38. The Clerk or Typist should be able to compile and submit the court order through the portal so that the parties can be informed immediately of the order.
  39. The Judge should be able to digitally sign the court order captured in the system so that the parties can be informed immediately of the order.
  40. The Registrar should be able to upload digital sound and / or video recordings and other court proceeding evidence so that it can be kept together with the case file in the event it is needed later.
  41. Citizens or Litigants whom has lost a case Should be able to submit a leave to appeal application online.
  42. Registrar Should be able to restrict certain case documentation from public online viewing so that sensitive information is not made public