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Requirement Description for Civil Cases

The following requirements apply to the entire value chain:

  1. When Citizens login to the system they should be able to view and access all case folders that they are involved in so that they access and read their case files easily
  2. When Litigants login to the system they should be able to view all case folders and files across all cases that they are representing so that they can access and read any case file easily.
  3. A Registrar should be able to apply a digital signature and automatic case number to online documentation so that they do not need to print and re-upload documents.
  4. Citizens, Litigants, Registrar or Clerk should be able to scan and upload files directly to the portal thereby eliminating the need to scan, save and upload files
  5. A Registrar or Clerk should be able to open, initiate and file on behalf of Citizens so that they can help them in the event that they are unable to do so themselves
  6. Citizens or Litigants completing an online template for submission, known details are pre populated by the system so that it saves time not having to duplicate input details they have previously submitted.
  7. Citizens, Litigants or Court Employees should be able to see information on submission details including who submitted / edited which document together with a timestamp so that they know who added or edited a document.
  8. Citizens, Litigants, Registrar, Clerk or Judge involved in a case are the only ones who can view the online case documentation before case finalization so that a level of security is maintained at all times.
  9. Citizens or Litigants researching a case should be able to access the portal and view all judgements and relevant case files where applicable so that court information is easily accessible without having to go into the relevant court.
  10. Registrars should be able to search for court orders so that they can verify that it is real when they are handed one.
  11. Registrar or Clerk should be able to search for any case file so that they can see the status, submitted documentation and should be able to add documentation if necessary.