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Digital Filing

The digital filing system of the Supreme Court serves as a platform for completing the whole filing process. Various base data such as data of Filing Section, Affidavit Section, Court, Benches, Divisions, Record Room, Appeal Sections, Dispatch section, Death Reference Section, Paper Book Section, etc. are filed in this system. It comprises all capabilities for maintaining, storing, publishing, and retrieving case files, case paperwork, evidence, court orders, judgments, and other important documents. The target of this platform is to ensure accessibility, accountability, sustainability, scalability, reliability of judiciary filing usage and access process and accelerate beneficiaries’ satisfaction.

Overall Project Objective:

There are different types of cases are filing in the High Court Division, such as, Cr Misc., Criminal Revision, Criminal Appeal, First Appeal, Civil Revision, Jail Appeal, Death Reference, Writ, Original Jurisdiction. On that purpose need an already proven configurable workflow system that have been used to develop as a backbone for any E-Filing System. The system must configure with the various base data for Filing Section, Affidavit Section, Court, Benches, Divisions, Record Room, Appeal Sections, Dispatch section, Death Reference Section, Paper Book Section, etc. where cases are filing.

The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has taken several initiatives regarding making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology by ensuring Government services available to citizens electronically as well as making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. In collaboration with Government Judiciary offices, A2i has brainstormed an idea to introduce a centralized digital filing platform enhancing the availability of case related documents electronically from anywhere and anytime.

There is a very limited use of technology to access the case file from different filing sections in Supreme Court. And usage of files is still in its manual form. Even though there is a recent initiative to receive the application online, but most of the file handling happening by using hard copy of the submitted applications. But now it’s time to ensure the introduction of information system in the court which will help to reduce the number of pending processes, boosting he efficiency of the services provided to citizens and to the society in general.