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Original Jurisdiction - Custom, VAT, TM, Review, Petition
- Legal Counsellor prepare the document. Document may varies depending on the type of case. For instance, Trade License, Mem. Of Article, Company Authorization to a Person, Power of Attorney to Advocate, Tribunal Order etc.
- Advocate Person come to Stamp Checker for the required stamp amount for court fee. Then attach the stamp with the documents file after purchasing it.
- Submit the documents to the filing section-original and get the entry number (e.g. 2509). Filing section makes a registry entry with an entry number. They usually enter - Date of entry, Entry number - Start from 1 every year, Title of the Case, District Court Name, Plaintiff (বাদী) Name, Defendant (বিবাদী) name, Advocate Name, Court Fee, Description of Appeal, Lower Court Verdict Date, Date Lower Court or Tribunal Verdict submission or return date, Degri form received date, Sign of Advocate or His clerk.
- Then the documents go to Registrar General for Affidavit - There he checks all the documents validity along with the authorized person (Deponent), his national id and his signature. Registrar Gen. Calls the Deponent for physical checking -- matches with NID and Physical Appearance. Also talk with Deponent, he really knows the company or not.
- The files again come to filing section and register a new number named appeal number. Case number also start each year (e.g., 191).
- The Advocate Person collect the appeal number and communicate with relevant court bench officer for case date.
- Filing section also notify Plaintiff (বাদী), defendant (বিবাদী) and corresponding tribunal. All the notifications are registered with date.
- Also, Tribunal or lower court send the Lower Court Record (LCR) to Higher court and filing section received it and filed it into the case file. LCR also collected by বাদী or বিবাদী. Received date is recorded in the register.
- After publishing it into Cause List filing section again takes necessary actions - Like inform with Company person and lawyer, Inform plaintiff (বাদী), Defendant (বিবাদী), Attorney Gen. Office.
- The hearing goes on in different dates Cause list updated accordingly and filing section takes action according to each hearing orders -- if requires. If any notification requires to Attorney office, or any other person or organization. Or any other action requires like sending Summons or even arrest warrant.
- After the verdict filing section takes relevant actions according to the verdict and send the files to record room for preservation. Advocate person collect the certified copy for his client or company.
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